The Study Visa is an authorization to stay in Spain more than ninety days to study in an authorized educational center in Spain, in a full-time program, leading to the award of a degree or certificate of studies.
The stay for studies is a very attractive authorization and very fast to obtain, since it is granted only for being enrolled in a course that meets certain characteristics and is given by an approved center, either public or private.
If you are granted the authorization to stay for studies in Spain, you will be entitled to enjoy different advantages. For example:
- It allows you to work up to a maximum of 30 hours per week while you are studying.
- You can study Spanish, so, you will be able to improve our language
- With the new modification of the law, at the end of your studies, and without having been in possession of this stay for more than three years, you will be able to easily obtain a work permit and stay for a long term.
- You can apply for the authorization of stay either in the applicant’s country of origin before the consular section or diplomatic mission or before the Immigration Office, if you are in Spanish territory, for which you must have one month of your permit in Spain before staying irregularly, in order to be able to apply for it.
- Family members may also be benefited and apply for a residence permit for family regrouping, when the foreigner has already completed his studies, therefore, has obtained a certificate of completed studies and complies with the requirements to apply for this initial residence permit under the terms established by law
The term family includes the spouse, common-law partner, and children under eighteen years of age or who have a disability and are objectively unable to provide for their own needs due to their state of health or who are of legal age and dependents.
Family members may legally stay in Spanish territory for the same period and with the same status as the holder of the main authorization. Their stay will be in any case linked to the situation of stay of the holder of the main authorization.
The family members will not be able to obtain the authorization for the accomplishment of lucrative activities.
Procedure for the Study Visa
People who intend to stay in Spain for studies, student mobility, non-working internships or volunteer work must present themselves in person at the Spanish diplomatic or consular representation where they reside. In the case of underage students, their father, mother, guardian or duly authorized representative may request authorization.
The Consular Office will require a resolution from the Government Delegation or Subdelegation in the province where the activity is to begin regarding the authorization of stay. If the resolution is favorable, the Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office will resolve and issue the visa. The duration of the visa will be equal to the authorized period of stay, unless the stay is longer than six months. In this case, the foreigner must personally request the corresponding Foreigner’s Identity Card within one month from the effective entry into Spain, at the Foreigners’ Office or Police Station of the province where the authorization has been processed.
The Study Visa permit may be extended with the limit of one year in each extension, as long as the interested party accredits that he/she continues to meet the necessary requirements for a stay for studies or for the activity for which he/she was authorized to stay in Spain.
If applicable, he/she must also prove that he/she has passed the relevant tests or requirements for the continuation of his/her studies or that the research carried out by the foreigner is progressing or that he/she continues with the non-working internships or volunteer services. This requirement may be accredited through the performance of studies or research in the territory of another Member State of the European Union, within the framework of temporary programs promoted by the Union itself.
The extension must be requested during the 60 days prior to the expiration date of the validity of the authorization.
If you want to start the process or request more information, you can contact our expert lawyers.